Ferenc&Kuczyński™ Company

Within their activity Ferenc&Kuczynski™ company offers a number of specialized services regarding contractors law attendance as well as the international economical exchange. We secure for our customers the qualified services for below specified activities:
- Law consultations referring economic legislation of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan
- Company registration and legalization in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan
- Complex legal services for international companies in Ukraine and Poland
- Advisement regarding foreign investment in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan
- Looking for and establishing of contact with trading contractors in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan
- Participation in trading negotiations (languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, English)
- Preparing of commercial contracts as well as documents in several language versions according to customer requirements and regulations binding in the country of destination
- Translation of special law documents (languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian)
- Interpretations and translations (languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian)
- Customs attendance of import, export and transit transactions, forwarding
- Setting in order a legal status of foreigners in GIS сountries
- Trainings for companies, state authorities and local government regarding the markets in Ukraine, Belarus and China, legal questions related to economic activity in these countries, foreign trade issues, etc
- Trainings and seminars regarding international law (constitution and company law, commercial and customs regulations, trade law etc.)
- Assistance by working up of applications and funds gaining from European Union financial resources, destinated for export development and activities having in view the gaining of foreign customers, company products introduction on foreign markets
Kraków 30-110, ul. Kraszewskiego 36/128 +48 882-488-166 +48 571-807-904 [email protected]
Lublin 20-234, ul. Mełgiewska 74/200 +48 512-895-895 [email protected]
Katowice 40-082, ul. Sobieskiego 2 +48 514-375-043 +48 793-849-692 [email protected]
Warszawa 00-001, ul. Janka Muzykanta 60 +48 784-971-203 +48 793-849-692 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]
Wrocław 54-203 ul. Legnicka 55F/356 +48 503-634-667 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]