Company registration

According to the Doing Business rating in 2019, Poland has become a world leader in the development of a business environment. The most common form of business for foreigners is a Limited Liability Company (Sp.z.o.o).
Foreigners wishing to do business in Poland can stay in the country on the basis of a visa, as well as conduct business in Poland while living abroad.
Business registration does not require the physical presence of the entrepreneur in Poland. It is enough to issue a power of attorney and provide copies of documents notarized and translated into Polish, after which the specialists of our company will register the company.
The second way to register a company is "electronic registration" or online registration using the specialized state portal S24 of the Ministry of Justice.
For this option of registering a company, the founders must have electronic signatures, which can also be issued remotely without arriving in Poland with our help. For more information on registering an online company in Poland, see here - Online company registration S24
Foreigners can conduct business in Poland in the following formats:
- command society
- joint-stock company
- limited liability company
- joint-stock company
- private entrepreneur (if you have permanent residence or a Pole Card)
The authorized capital of a Polish LLC (Sp.z.o.o), starting from 2010, must be at least PLN 5,000, which is equivalent to approximately USD 1,300. The minimum share of each participant in the company must be at least PLN 50.
A foreigner who only wants to create one of the four companies mentioned above should not have the right to stay in Poland, since according to Polish law, the presence of the owner of the company in the country is not mandatory (for example, an entrepreneur can register his company with the help of a trustee).
A limited liability company can be created by one or more individuals, legal or organizational units that do not have the status of a legal entity, to whom the law grants legal capacity.
The company is liable for its obligations with all its property without restrictions. Co-founders are not liable for the company's obligations; they bear risks corresponding to the amount of contributions made to the company.
To create a limited liability company, a certain process of formal actions must be carried out.
Our lawyers and notaries ensure that all necessary procedures are carried out quickly. We will also help with the choice of activities, competently draw up a charter, check the uniqueness of the name and provide professional advice on all related issues. As a result, you are guaranteed to get a business ready for work in Poland.
Kraków 30-110, ul. Kraszewskiego 36/128 +48 882-488-166 +48 571-807-904 [email protected]
Lublin 20-234, ul. Mełgiewska 74/200 +48 512-895-895 [email protected]
Katowice 40-082, ul. Sobieskiego 2 +48 514-375-043 +48 793-849-692 [email protected]
Warszawa 00-001, ul. Janka Muzykanta 60 +48 784-971-203 +48 793-849-692 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]
Wrocław 54-203 ul. Legnicka 55F/356 +48 503-634-667 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]