Registration in Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database (BDO)
Poland’s new Product, Packaging and Waste Management Database known as BDO, has created a central registration and reporting point for all producers of WEEE, Batteries and Packaging. It’s implementation also serves to monitor the activities of other entities involved in WEEE, Batteries and Packaging waste management in Poland (e.g. waste collectors and compliance schemes).
Registration requires the completion of an entirely new application form.
As well as a general ‘company information’ section, which all applicants must complete, producers must also provide detailed information on each waste stream applicable to them. If you are a WEEE, Batteries and Packaging producer, then you must fill in three other different sections of the form.
Information to be provided in each section includes:
For WEEE: The categories of Electrical and Electronic Equipment being placed on the Polish market and the method by which the EEE is being placed on the market in Poland (e.g. distance selling)
For Batteries: The types (portable, industrial or automotive) and brands of batteries being placed on the Polish market
For Packaging: The types (e.g. paper, plastic, wood, etc) of packaging that the producer places on the market in Poland
Producers must also provide details of how they are meeting their obligations to finance waste collection and recycling – for example, individually or through contracting with local recovery organisations (in which case, an original or certified copy of the producer’s contract with the recovery organisation must be provided). Once reviewed and approved, the company’s details will be placed on the publicly available producer register, at
EC4P is successfully guiding its clients through what has so far appeared to be a fairly rigorous process in Poland. In particular, we have found that the authorities are taking the opportunity to identify gaps in company's existing producer compliance arrangements. For example, if a company is applying for registration as a WEEE producer only, the authorities may expect that the company will also be applying for registration as a packaging producer to take account of the packaging supplied with their products.
Kraków 30-110, ul. Kraszewskiego 36/128 +48 882-488-166 +48 571-807-904 [email protected]
Lublin 20-234, ul. Mełgiewska 74/200 +48 512-895-895 [email protected]
Katowice 40-082, ul. Sobieskiego 2 +48 514-375-043 +48 793-849-692 [email protected]
Warszawa 00-001, ul. Janka Muzykanta 60 +48 784-971-203 +48 793-849-692 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]
Wrocław 54-203 ul. Legnicka 55F/356 +48 503-634-667 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]