Invest in Ukraine

Investing in Ukraine
The investment climate in Ukraine
Despite administrative difficulties, the investment climate in Ukraine has improved significantly in recent years. Positive changes have been achieved in the areas of taxes, currency, banking, and the fight against bureaucracy. The Doing Business index of the World Bank also shows a significant improvement in the country's investment climate. Currently, Ukraine ranks 64th (out of 190 countries) in the ease of doing business ranking “Doing Business 2020” moving up seven positions since its last edition.
The signing of a comprehensive Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, allowing for increased trade and cooperation in different economic activities, has also contributed to a significant improvement in the investment climate.
Prospects for investment in Ukraine
The influx of foreign investors into the Ukrainian market is rapidly gaining momentum. The main investors in Ukraine today are companies from the USA, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Hungary. Last year, most of the investment was invested in manufacturing, trade, real estate, finance, and insurance (State Statistics Service, 2019).
Investing in Ukraine is attractive for many reasons:
The availability of one of the largest domestic markets in Europe with 47 million consumers
The strategic geographical location - the country is located at the gates of Europe, Russia, and Asia
The government reforms aimed at improving the business climate and increasing investment inflows
The availability of skilled and low-cost workforce
The efficient education system - Ukraine ranks fourth in the world in terms of qualified specialists in the high-tech sector
The availability of energy and mineral resources
The large agricultural industry with high potential
The well-developed transportation infrastructure (there are 18 seaports in the country)
The presence of large investors in the market, including Kraft Foods, Coca-Cola, Hewlett Packard, Cargill, Knauf, Raiffeisen Bank Aval
Strong international financial support from global institutions (IMF, World Bank, and EU).
inPL Group Company offers its clients search and support services for investments in Ukraine:
consulting services
individual search and selection of companies
development of an investment project concept
pre-investment analysis of the project
full support of the deal
audit of financial activities
legal support.
Kraków 30-110, ul. Kraszewskiego 36/128 +48 882-488-166 +48 571-807-904 [email protected]
Lublin 20-234, ul. Mełgiewska 74/200 +48 512-895-895 [email protected]
Katowice 40-082, ul. Sobieskiego 2 +48 514-375-043 +48 793-849-692 [email protected]
Warszawa 00-001, ul. Janka Muzykanta 60 +48 784-971-203 +48 793-849-692 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]
Wrocław 54-203 ul. Legnicka 55F/356 +48 503-634-667 +48 534-315-931 [email protected]